Sunday, November 21, 2010

Saturday's mini post: We Made it!

Full details of our final ride will be posted once the sand settles and we have had time to recover from our celebrations.......which were hearty indeed and involved particularly potent margaritas.

Let the record show that at 3:30 PM on Saturday November 20th, Carl and Peter rolled onto the sand, shed unneccessary gear and dipped their front wheels into the Atlantic Ocean!

The exact spot was St. Augustine Beach, Florida. The blessed event was witnessed by Bill Conway, Gina Tippit, Jeff Fallon, Warren Morris and Liz Tippit, who secretly flew in from Cleveland and surprised us with her presence. Liz brought horns, Hawaiian lais, bunting and champagne. It was quite an event!

Carl and Peter not only dipped their tires in the ocean, but they held their bikes high over their heads in victory. The last ocean water they had been in was the Pacific, 48 days earlier. Huzzah!

So, it is finished. The full details and final stats will follow in due course, but not even this blog can capture what a ride it's been. Thanks for following us, and thanks for caring. God Bless.

1 comment:

  1. I am so touched by your experience. Not only the physical challenge but the incredible time of followship - all the people you brought together and what a wonderful time they had. A true accomplishment. I'm sure that's its ending is bitter sweet and that you will miss it. much love, jane
