Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Welcome to Mississippi

Today's guest Blogger is Liz Tippit -

Well, it’s day two for Walter, Chris, and me. It’s day 9 for Curt. It’s day 37 for Carl and Peter.

It started out cool and foggy, with everyone ready and raring to go – butt butter and all.

We zigzagged through some major morning traffic, only to find ourselves on a beautiful 22 mile bike trail through the Louisiana low country. We passed bayous, Bubba shrimping boats, and lots of yapping, jumping, long dogs with short legs.

Carl found the incredible route that took us off the scheduled Adventure Cycling Southern Tier Route to the bike trail, called Tammany Trace. It was completely silent, smelled like vanilla, and took us past trees that looked like the woods in the Wizard of Oz. I thought that a screeching flying monkey might jump on our backs, but it didn’t happen. But I have to say, I’ve never seen so much road kill in my life – bodies intact and the heads chewed off.

We left Covington, Louisiana and headed for Gulfport Mississippi. We passed a cemetery halfway through the bike path, and the first headstone Peter saw was one that had “Conway P. Burns” on it. It was pretty weird. He was excited about it.

We crossed into Mississippi around 12:30. That meant Margaritas. – every border crossing. It was a banner day for Walter, as he visited his 50th state today! Mississippi was hanging out there for him, and he did it! That’s HUGE!

I’m finding that a ride in the morning is perfect for me. I made a commitment to myself months ago when I started riding that I would always enjoy it. That means riding until it starts to get painful - about 45 - 50 miles for me and that’s been just fine. I get to hang out with Curt in the van, which is great. It isn’t the legs that are hurting, it’s my shoulders.

Every chance I got today I tried to get online and look at my dogs in the kennel. There’s a video camera on them in the playrooms at the kennel, and I saw them skulking around and acting like weirdos.

Tonight’s dinner was unbelievable!!!!! Chef Chris made scallops, green beans, baked potatoes, and brie. It was great – REALLY great -- and we’re still eating it right now. Curt got a cake that said “Southern Tier” on it -- definitely a hit. Who made the cocktail sauce? Walter! And everyone loved it.

We’re passing lots of tattoo, botox, gold sales, paycheck cashing, and dance places. I’m considering a tattoo of my son’s initials. Carl thinks I’m joking but I’m really not.

I’m really scraping right now trying to find things to say, so I’ll just finish by saying that this is an incredibly wonderful trip, I am blown away by Carl and Peter and all they have accomplished, and how they have arranged to have friends join them along the way. It’s truly a logistical miracle.

Weather has been beautiful, the skies have been blue, everyone has been safe, and God is taking care of everyone along the way. What a gift!

Ps – Carl grew a beard just for me! I LOVE it!!!!!! And his legs look greeeaaatt

Map to date:


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