Saturday, October 2, 2010

First Impressions of San Diego – Hustlers & No-Tell Motel ?

We are here in San Diego! I flew the friendly skies of United/Continental, -on the official day of their merger no less- and the new airline is off to a great start. Not only were both flights on time, but the Chicago-San Diego flight was half an hour early. I can’t remember the last time I escaped O’Hare on schedule. Keep it up Co-United!

Happily, Bill and Holly arrived with Vanna and Bendi about the same time and we all rendezvoused at the enticingly named “Bay Inn and Suites at Sea World”. As I de-planed, I picked up a voice message from Bill that the Inn has, in polite terms, seen better days. They were off in Vanna exploring better options. Plus the power was out in the immediate neighborhood. This turned out to be a good thing, as it slowed the stream of visitors to the bars, liquor stores and strip joints lining our street. Larry Flynts Hustler Club, with which we share a parking lot, was still garishly lit up. They must generate their own energy. Welcome to San Diego.

A word about the lodging for our trip. Adventure Cycling helpfully suggests lodging that is right on the bike route, so weary cyclists do not have to add miles to their day pedaling to motels. As I have spent the last month making reservations at their suggested sites, I have concluded two things. First, the folks at Adventure Cycling operate on a shoestring budget, and assume anyone going cross country is saving pennies too. Second, the ONLY criterion for recommending a motel is how close it is to the bike route. Well the Bays Inn and Suites gets huge thumbs up in both respects. We got a great rate. Most other guests rent the rooms by the hour, which is much more expensive.

Bill, Holly and I went out to dinner in Old Town. It was dark by then, therefore hard to get a good sense of the area, but it looks like a cross between Hale Farm and East 4th street for you Clevelanders. We ate in what will no doubt be the first of many Mexican restaurants. It was good. Never had tasted a lobster enchilada before, but it works. We had Margaritas and toasted the trip. We’re gonna be fine!

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