Thursday, October 7, 2010

We began the day in Blythe, California at a diner worthy of Happy Days. Some French Toast with real Maple Syrup (which you can’t get at IHOP) got the carbs rolling for our 63 mile trek east to Salome AZ.

It took only 5 miles to reach the Colorado River, where we had to cross on the pedestrian bridge along I-10 connecting LA to Phoenix. In a few miles, we actually joined I-10 for 1 of 2 segments of our ride on the interstate. We figured out a couple of days ago that when the ride directions take you onto an Interstate, it is because you are going over a range. We went over 3 today – each with a long steady uphill ride between 6 and 10 miles.

On our first segment up the interstate, we passed Marv, the Wyoming wanderer who continues to cross our path. After giving us some of the food that was weighing him down, he told us he was just going to stay on I-10 all the way to Phoenix cause he is tired of the ride and looking for a shorter route . AZ allows cyclists on the interstates. Marv kept up with us to SAG stop 1 then faded under his 300 pound bike. We continued east to Salome via some long straight flats and more slow climbs – now calling it uphell instead of uphill.

Salome is out of an old western. Population about 1600 but it seemed like 50. The owner of our hotel, the Sheffler, is also the Sherriff but he was on vacation. We celebrated crossing the AZ line with margaritas at the Cactus Bar across the street. The site of us was enough to scare most locals away but bartender Stacey warmed up to us while Gus and the boys played pool in the back.

At the hotel we met a young cyclist from Vancouver staying at the world famous Sheffler. Evan blew us away. He is finishing a continental lap; he started in Vancouver June 15, went east to Newfoundland, south to Miami, then west to Salome on his way to LA. All in about 9000 miles, by himself, on a bike. He rides about two times our daily total and is 4½ months ahead of schedule. Evan had some great stories and we gave him some supplies. He is 18 and living on a shoe string but was a real pleasure.

We lucked out on weather – again. High 70s through the desert. Tomorrow, a bit warmer and sunny.

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