Friday, October 15, 2010

Gila Monsters?

For all you TransAm 2010 Blog readers, thank you for following us. The last couple days we were out of “transmit” range so no internet or cell – very peaceful. Also, we will get the pictures updated when we get to a No-tel that has a strong Internet connection to upload new pics.

Today, Thursday Oct 14 was a substitute day. We woke up to mid 30’s at the Conway Cabin 30 miles north of Silver City, NM. Our original route would have been Silver City to Hillsboro – about 47 miles with lots of climbs. Instead we chose a similar distance but started at the Gila (pronounced Heela) Cliff Dwellers in Gila National Forest another 18 miles north of the cabin. A very hilly ride with some long downhills to San Lorenzo. The Gila Cliff Dwellers is a fascinating area of cliffs that the Mogollon Indians inhabited for about 30-40 years some 700 years ago. At 7000 ft, there had to be a good reason to move up this far from the valley – it was due to a very long drought and they were able to find water in the streams in the higher mountains. The caves were quite high on these cliffs requiring some athletic climbing. We saw a lot in the hour we spent before our ride down from this high peak. By the time we started our ride the temp was up to 65 and ended around 78 – perfect. Our 11th straight day of sun and minimal headwinds. The scenery continues to be spectacular and the ride continues to exceed our expectations.

Our map through Day 11 is shown on the following link:

Thanks for following - Carl

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