Monday, October 4, 2010

Dog Beach - The Beginning

The trek begins! Because our guest riders were unable to make it, Peter and I (Carl) started a day early with a short ride. We began at Ocean Beach with the traditional wheel dipping in the Pacific to commemorate the start to our ride across the US. We then took a great bike path about 6 miles east where we finally joined real traffic. CALIFORNIA – what can we say. Weather was perfect and we rode mostly great roads which all had bike lanes. This is looking good…. We thought getting a head start would allow us to skip the Monday morning rush hour traffic, however, several things gave us a late start this Sunday morning and unfortunately our route lead us by the San Diego Chargers Football Stadium right at game time where they were playing the Cardinals. Beautiful facility with intense tailgating. Peter of course wanted to stop and hang with the Charger fans. With the flat ride to the foothills over pretty quickly, we next took on some of the first ascent which were long but gradual – No Music Street yet. Tomorrow the real climb begins.

Here is the route so far. Simply click the link to see our progress (about 1/100th of our goal)

1 comment:

  1. Peter and Carl,

    Got caught up on your recent blogs and pictures. Looks like the adventure has truly begun. I'm a tiny part envious and a big part glad with my biking here in Cleveland I can return to my home each time. Looking forward to your daily exploits and travels.

    Kirt K
