Saturday, October 30, 2010

Two Stepping across Texas

This is a bittersweet day, as we are saying farewell to our Stage 4 crew of Dan Fishwick, Charles Breer, Sam Lombardo and Michael Novak. They have been energetic and good hearted companions. Next week will seem strange with only two riders. Gentlemen, we have grown accustomed to your faces, and we shall miss you.

At least we are ending this week on a high note. Last night’s time at the historic Swiss Alp Dance Hall was the highlight of the trip thus far. We were transported back in time, as the ancient hall filled with Texas couples in jeans, boots and Stetsons who two stepped their way through the spirited fiddling of the three Quebe sisters – the Texas swing version of the Dixie Chicks. Man, were they good. Age 24, 22 and 20, cute as bluebonnets, they have already been performing for 10 years, the past three full time. They had the old hall rocking with their three fiddles and three part harmonies. Check them out at

The last ride for this week was through the most scenic Texas landscapes yet. To me, the Texas hill country is reminiscent of western New South Wales in Australia. Semi arid pastureland, studded with stately live oaks, with frequent rivers lined with ancient cypress and willows. Cattle abound: we have seen Long Horns, Black Angus and the exotic Brahmins, with their camel like humps. Numerous goat ranches are in the steeper areas, and for some reason mules seem to be as common as horses. One mule took a particular liking to me; you might call it love at first sight. My companions were much amused.

The historical markers indicate that we are in an important area Texas history. We lunched at a park which is on the grounds of the original Baylor University. In nearby Independence we pedaled past the homestead of Sam Houston. Other markers commemorate the home sites for some of the “Old 300”, a term used for the families Stephen Austin recruited to settle Texas while it was still a part of Mexico. The Old 300 weren’t dumb. They took the choicest plots that Texas has to offer.

To those cyclists amongst our fans, a comment on what it is like to ride six (or even seven) days a week for four straight weeks. In some ways I am disappointed that I can’t step off my bicycle after cranking out 75 miles and feel fresh as a daisy. My legs are still tired at the end of the day, my posterior a bit raw, and my feet a bit numb. I am tired at night, falling into bed about 10 PM, and needing a solid eight hours if I am going to saddle up again. I really thought by now that my body would be so used to the daily routine that it wouldn’t even notice.

On the other hand, we are riding faster and faster without even trying. We used to finish our rides around 4 PM, now we are finishing around 2:30. A 14 mph average is now 16 or even 17 mph. In addition, the legs and other body parts recover more overnight. Our bodies are definitely ready for each new day. For middle aged road warriors, maybe that is the best we can hope for.

We are spending the weekend in Navasota Texas. After depositing our friends in Houston, we will pick up Curt Johnson, our driver for weeks five and six. May the good times continue to roll.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Guys!

    I love your posts and photos! I can't wait to get there. I had to ride a stationary bike today and I was bored out of my mind. One hour felt like 10!

    I think it's time to give you an update on Fill This House. These are some of the kids you've helped!

    Since you left 4 weeks ago, 4 more kids have been served. Just yesterday I got word that a new teen, Eric, was moving into an apartment. Usually there's more notice, but not always. He had a big smile on his face and was so pleased to be getting his own place. He had a mattress on the floor, and that's all. No other belongings. Fill This House left him with dishes, glasses, bedding, blankets, a pillow, towels, pots & pans, flatware, a small microwave, and lots more. He is so positive, a hard worker, and thinks he is ready to move forward on his own. He doesn't have a choice. But he'll be okay. His attitude is excellent and he is a kind, polite, and friendly kid. He'll get some furniture from the furniture bank and he'll be okay.

    Last week was Terresha. She was busy painting her new (new to her, definitely not new) apartment and cleaning her new place, the upstairs of a double in Cleveland. She, too, had nothing. She cried when she received her new household items from Fill This House. She is a hard working teenager who is trying to get to college. She had been a foster child for many years and was eventually adopted, but recently abandoned by her adoptive parents (not unusual). She was a joy and I think she'll be okay, too.

    The week before was Kim. Kim "aged out" of the system a year ago and spent the year in a shelter. She is now moving into an apartment. She was cleaning with her county case worker (they are so wonderful). Her happiness at getting out of a shelter and into her own place radiated from her. She, too, was a joy to be around.

    Finally, was Debbie. Debbie is part of the Cuyahoga County system, but had moved into a college dorm (with government assistance -- rare, but possible). She moved in without any bedding, towels, etc. Fill This House sent these items to her. This is an excerpt from her thank you note:

    "The best thing you gave me was the Bible. I was recently saved and my bible was a King James version and it is at times hard to read and I truly appreciate that you gave me a NIV Bible.I want to one day be able to help children like Fill This House does. I want to be able to spread the Lords word to those that desperately need it, which is everyone."

    By the way, the bible was pink. Now, I am simply the middle man, the deliverer of these items. It is you -- Peter and Carl, who are the ones to be thanked. Together, we are able to help more kids than ever. So THANK YOU! Fill This House is solid and strong, finishing up a great year, and heading into another. Thank you for choosing us as your cause. Thank you, all of you involved -- for supporting Fill This House.

    You're the greatest!!! See you on Saturday!
